Topic 4: Acid-base Reaction and OER Pedagogy

After reading this week’s material, I have deeper understanding with how OER can change pedagogy further. Before I read it I thought OER are just free resources that help students and teachers to reduce the fee of learning and teaching, it is all about the cost and money, and there are no barriers for them to use OERs in real teaching, it is just find a free and open resouce and use it to replace the textbook or support it. But now I find using OER in teaching is not a simple thing, there may be barriers like  some students may have difficult to use OERs, this could be casued by hard to search the information they want among all the document on internet. However, I find using OER in teaching can bring more benefits, students can join the editing or writing of OERs and that will help other students in the furture, like when I was in high school, my chemistry and physics teachers preserve students’ project of the science fair as teaching tools, I remember someone’s group work on an acid-base reaction project, they did experiment with common foods and test their pH values or pOH something like that, and they shown the colors as their project(different pH values show different color based on the indicator used). So the chemistry teacher kept their work in the classroom and posted it on the back wall of the lab, and she used it as a visual way to teach students what is the theory behind pH value and indicator, things about reactions. I think that is a very good way to teach because it respects past students’ work and uses it to teach future students better. And that project was kind of a OER even though probably no one will update the information on it.


  1. yaqi

    Hi Ziwei, your experience is very interesting, I like this example of sharing self learning outcome with other students as an OER, I also think that is a very efficient way because it helps both you and future students to learn better.

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